topic title: antix 8 test 3
Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008

I installed antix8 test 3 in my Dell Inspiron 7500. It worked really well with my ethernet connection. Did lxde install and that worked fine.

I'm having problems with wireless though. wicd is not picking up the connection and Mepis network tool is not working either (but that has consistently not worked for me).

Otherwise, it works great. I'll keep testing things. I'll see how upgrading the kernel goes.

Great job Anti! (and whoever else helped with this).

Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
As a follow up, I managed to get wireless working on this box, using wicd. wicd was acting VERY slow. took several seconds to record a clicked box.

I also tried upgrading the kernel, and I think that worked. I'm still not very sure and rather hesitant and afraid of smxi.

The box is working fine so I didn't mess up too much yet. Antix8 is working great!

Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
I forgot to mention another item in my last post.

After a dist-upgrade using smxi I noticed that the AntiX logo at the left hand side of the bottom menu bar in icewm was replaced by a debian logo. I'm not sure how that happened but I figured it was probably a wrong choice I made somewhere in smxi?

Not really a big deal.

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Joined: 29 Sep 2007
I suspect the"start menu" icon problem arose from the theme folder being in the root directory. Please find the folder


and look around. The start button should be named icewm.xpm. The antix button should be there. If it is, then I'm not sure. If it's not, then there's a copy of the start button in ~/.icewm. Just find the .xpm you like and copy it into the above folder. Perhaps this will fix. Sorry, I just don't have a lot of experience keeping these kinds of files in root. I usually keep all of my stuff in home.

Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008

Thanks for your help. I checked the folder /usr/share/icewm/themes/eco-green/taskbar and icewm.xpm was indeed there.

The fix was easier than I thought and perhaps I should have tried this earlier.

I checked the themes tab and noticed that it was set at default. When I set it back to eco-green the start icon with Antix appeared.

My guess is that during dist-upgrade the theme got reset to default?

At any rate it all seems fine now.

