Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008

I've been fooling around with conky's options and I wanted to display the wireless info. I used the setup straight for the originical conky as follows:

{color white}Wireless:
${color white}essid: ${wireless_essid eth0}
${color white}IP:${color white} ${addr eth0}
${color white}speed: ${color white} ${wireless_bitrate eth0}
${color white}link strength: ${color white} ${wireless_link_bar 7,50 eth0}

The only thing I changed was eth0 for wlan0 (original) since it seemed to give me an IP address and wicd (under preference for wireless) also lists eth0. However, the only thing I get is an IP adress. It does not recognized the essid name or the link strength.

I'm not sure what else to try.

Posts: 1,520
Joined: 07 Oct 2007
Here is mine it may give you some clues.

${color grey}Wireless:
${color grey}Essid: ${wireless_essid wlan0} ${color grey}IP:${color grey} ${addr wlan0}
${color grey}Signal Strength: ${color grey}${wireless_link_bar 7,125 wlan0}
${color grey}Net Down:${color grey}${downspeedf wlan0}k/s
${color grey}Net Up:${color grey}${upspeedf wlan0}k/s
Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
Thanks for your wireless conky code Erie, but it does not work at all. It even does not return an IP address which I was getting before using eth0 instead of wlan0.

So, is that the clue? Something about the wicd config that I could change? It's odd that eth0 is listed a wireless device in wicd but it seems to be working fine otherwise.

Posts: 1,520
Joined: 07 Oct 2007
Did you try to change wlan0 to eth0 in mine?
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
Yes, and I got an ip address only, just like in my version.

the funny thing is that wicd will work work (at all; meaning seeing wireless networks) if I have it set up with the wireless device being eth0. shouldnt it be set up to wlan0? But if I do that, wireless will not work (at least not with wicd).


Posts: 1,520
Joined: 07 Oct 2007
It would depend on the type of adapter you have. Some do show up as eth0 and ath0.