Posts: 64
Joined: 26 Dec 2010

could somebody explain to me how to change the keyboard setup from US to DE-LATIN1?

I know the solution for M11, but not for the M8.5 ? (and I want to keep M8.5 before I mess up my computer because I have different files on the HDD.. and I am not so skilled for installing M11 without loosing something, like the menu.lst for multiboot what I have today).
Perhaps changing the parameters in Xorg.conf? or other?

Thanks a lot.
This is important because I want to show to my brother in law how antix-linux a nice thing is. aND YOU KNOW: ANY MISTAKE DURING A PRESENTATION IS NOT IMPRESSING NEWBIES..

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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
If you want to use German keyboard just for the session (and keep the applications menu in English) you could simply use
antiX-control centre ->Xwindow -> Change keyboard layout

Changes do not stick on reboot or logout.

If you want it permanent and all to be in Germen.

1. #dpkg-reconfigure locales
and choose de_DE.UTF-8

2. Either a) /usr/sbin/install-keymap de-latin1-nodeadkeys OR
b) loadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys

3. dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
Check that this changes /etc/default/keyboard to include de in the XKBLAYOUT="der"

4. Add this line to the end of ~/.profile
export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8

You'l probably need to reboot for all changes to take effect.
Posts: 64
Joined: 26 Dec 2010

to 1. I made it. Fine.
I deleted by inadvertance the En_US.. (I dont know how to put the * again in the front of it) and it came few errors.

to 2. I made b. Fine.

to 3. I changed to"de" and not"der".. and it was fine.

to 4. I made it.

Now: keyboard is 100% fine.. but the menues in the webbrowser"links" are in german. This is not a big issue because I can read it, but in order to make anybody of my family using the box, how to put the menues back to"en" or"en_US"?
So, in any case, a big big thanks.. and if you have few seconds the next 2 weeks, perhaps can you answer the question above?

Posts: 5,955
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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Ok, reverse number 4. ie don't add that line to profile.