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url was:""
linktext was:" ... ntist-says"

“Staff should start at 10am,” Kelley says. “You don’t get back to [a natural 9am schedule] starting point until 55. Staff are usually sleep-deprived. We’ve got a sleep-deprived society. It is hugely damaging on the body’s systems because you are affecting physical, emotional and performance systems in the body.”

"This applies in the bigger picture to prisons and hospitals," Kelley adds."They wake up people and give people food they don't want. You're more biddable because you're totally out of it. Sleep deprivation is a torture."
Last edited by Guest on 27 Feb 2016, 13:39, edited 4 times in total.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2015



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url was:""
linktext was:" ... ition.html"

No one should ever work.

Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you'd care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.
Last edited by Guest on 27 Feb 2016, 13:42, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 307
Joined: 23 Aug 2015
@Alan, did you believe the Soviet propaganda the way you are now believing Russian Federation? __{{emoticon}}__ And come on, don't tell me BBC, CNN, Fox are worse. __{{emoticon}}__ They are worse in many, but it doesn't make the other side any better.
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No Future for the Workplace

url was:""
linktext was:" ... place.html"

The best future for the workplace, as for the battlefield, is none at all. With belated notice taken of a crisis in the workplace, the consultants surge forth with faddish reforms whose common denominator is that they excite little interest in the workplace itself. Done to -- not won by -- the workers, they are very much business as usual for business. They may raise productivity temporarily till the novelty wears off, but tinkering with the who, what, when, where of work doesn't touch the source of the malaise: why work?
Last edited by Guest on 27 Feb 2016, 13:45, edited 4 times in total.
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Working Sucks

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linktext was:""

Day after day we get up early and trudge to work. We swallow our pride and put up with being ordered around by the boss. We sweat and toil at jobs we hate, wasting away our lives. Why do we do it? Because we have to? Because we need the money? Or because we don't know how to live any other way?
Last edited by Guest on 27 Feb 2016, 13:55, edited 3 times in total.
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The 10 Reasons Why Your Corporate Job Is Going To Suck

url was:""
linktext was:" ... g-to-suck/"

Congrats, you’ve successfully wasted four years of your life and put yourself in a huge amount of debt just to get yourself a piece of paper that validates your corporate job. While it was a gruelling process, you finally graduated and it feels as if, for a brief period of time, a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Enjoy the feeling while it lasts because come Monday morning, you are going to be put back in your place by this thing we call the corporate world.

Now that you have graduated and were one of the lucky ones to be able to secure a job in corporate America, your ‘real life’ experience awaits. Congratulations on studying your ass off for four years just so you can be someone’s bitch.
Last edited by Guest on 27 Feb 2016, 14:09, edited 3 times in total.
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Bluerey - Holocaust Denial post deleted and you have been banned for repeatedly posting such racist drivel.
Posts: 307
Joined: 23 Aug 2015
@Alanarchy, you seem to be agreeing with me on Propaganda, but you keep posting such stuff. You might have a better insight into US politics, because you are a native speaker. But about Ukraine you are posting derivative infomation (commonly known as bullshit). Alone from the illogical composition of the article you're quoting you should get suspicious about its validity. At least it is very superficial and even a supporter of such views shouldn't argue that it is.
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The Abolition of Work

url was:""
linktext was:""

No one should ever work.

Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost all the evil you'd care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.
Last edited by Guest on 27 Feb 2016, 14:15, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 307
Joined: 23 Aug 2015
What?? __{{emoticon}}__ :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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Avoiding Jobs (and Companies) that Suck

url was:""
linktext was:" ... that-suck/"

It is heart breaking to me when I see talented people trudging away in jobs that either they don’t love or at companies where they don’t fit. And, as you hint at, in almost every situation when you talk to someone who is in this kind of predicament, they almost always say something like “This isn’t at all what I thought it was going to be.” They were toast before they even showed up to new hire orientation.
Last edited by Guest on 27 Feb 2016, 14:21, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 307
Joined: 23 Aug 2015
Alan, funny remarks can't compensate incompetence. I would never seriously make any statements about Scottish history, because I don't know anything about it beyond clishés
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Work and the free society

url was:""
linktext was:" ... federation"

Let’s face it, work as we know and loathe it today, sucks. Anybody who has worked for a wage or a salary will confirm that. Work, for the vast majority of us, is forced labour. And it feels like it too! Whether you’re working on a casual or temporary basis and suffer all the insecurity that involves or are ‘lucky’ enough to have a permanent position where job security tightens like a noose around your neck, it’s pretty much the same. Work offers it all: physical and nervous exhaustion, illness and, more often than not, mind-numbing boredom. You can add the feeling of being shafted for the benefit of someone else’s profit to the list.
Last edited by Guest on 27 Feb 2016, 14:29, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 307
Joined: 23 Aug 2015
Oh, I thought it was the Irish who invented the Whisky. __{{emoticon}}__

If your post wasn't intended to be funny, then it simply was ignorant in several ways:
- Stockholm syndrome is defined in a rather clear way even in its political-metaphorical meaning: the victim of a kidnapper (or an occupational power, or an oppressive state) starts to support her oppressor, even show resistance against the attempts to free her, and later justify him and be concerned about his destiny. Sound much like Russian population to me. Or the poor (in spirit) people of the occuied part of Donbass, but they are recovering from Russism in its most acute form.
- You're probably mistaking Ukrainians for Russians. Not a big deal, many people mistake Scots for Englishmen, who cares. __{{emoticon}}__ But if you are interested just some hints: Ukrainians always showed much drive for independence. Ukraine is definitely not the country where the idea of a ruler with a strong hand is popular - it's rather Russia and some (not all) other former Soviet republics.
- There always was and still is much critisizm of the USA and Europe in Ukraine. Probably still not enough, but I'm confident there will be more in the process of the economic crisis intensifying. They still think a big bit too positive about the current economic western model.
- Reforms are going forward slowly, too slowly. I think they are progressing better than most Ukrainians do. The minister for economics (Abromavichus, born in Lithuania) recently declared resignation accusing some members of parliament that they urged him to place"their" men in state owened enterprises (some 51% state ownership) claiming that the president approved these candidates. There is a good chance that this can lead to a government crisis and re-elections. This wouldn't even have been a scandal under Yanukovich, the former president.
- In Russia reforms are of little interest, they want to privatize state owned enterprises now when they are cheapest. Oh yeah, they allowed tax-free money transfers to Hong-Kong. Their choice, it was their choice back then when they decided to start their punishment mission in Ukraine.
- What are these"wise" publications are warning us about, a new cold war, arm races? Come on, US is bankrupt, China is bankrupt, Russia is bankrupt first, Europe will go bankrupt. There will be no cold war, but there might be a hot one. Civil wars all over the world will be most likely.