topic title: 'how i got here'
Posts: 9
Joined: 23 Jul 2016
Ultimately, I arrived here via ERDAS Imagine and W2k. Once I saw UNIX underpinnings at a GIS workshop in SLO in 2000, I became intrigued with the more powerful OS. Alas, my boss wouldn't let me learn UNIX with his blessings, so guess what?

First there was a jackalope then a puppy and other critters. Then, I discovered sidux and learned that I favored Debian. However, I still wanted to know more about how to configure Slackware, since it too truck a chord somewhere in my soul.

A few years and many trials later, I am stubbornly refusing to accept systemd and uefi and so am using MX-15 after first trying to install antiX-16 amd64 on a SSD without success. (At this point, it is apropos to say that cousinlucky's experience is very similar to mine tying to get antiX to function as I wish. I may have something to do with my choosing sid repos, this having systemd take over.

Anyway, Shek mitski from a fisheater in Columbia River Country!
Posts: 1,139
Joined: 26 Apr 2008
@fisheater: Yeah, I'd seriously consider FIRST starting out using Debian Stable repos in order to get core features working as expected. Sid can come later.

I fool around with Sid a lot; these days, it's only with Debian Sid and in that environment systemd is being used.
Posts: 9
Joined: 23 Jul 2016
@masinick -- yes, that's good advice and what I ended up doing was a Base install of antiX-16 with jesse repos. Thanks!

fatmac, dolphin_oracle, rokytnji, et al -- you're all the best.