Posts: 16
Joined: 28 Feb 2009
Hi to all,

I have installed antiX-M8 and I am very happy with it. I am using it on a 3gig RAM laptop Compaq Presario V3000 Centrino Duo and everything works out of the box including wireless.

I have previously used Ubuntu 8.10 on this machine but wanted a"lite" distro since I found Ubuntu to be bloated. I only use my machine to surf and do some spreadsheets, docs, and add travel photos.

I just have a few issues that need to be resolved to make it perfect:

1) How do I add a battery meter in the panel or anywhere else?

2) How do I add Java. I want to read some charts over here at
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3) How do I add Picasa? Do I choose the .deb version?

4) Would firefox be more functional than iceweasel or is it exactly the same?

I apologize for the questions that may sound stupid.

Thank you.
Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
Hello Antixph:

Welcome to Antix! I'm a former Ubuntu user myself and having tried a whole bunch of distros, I found Antix and I have been very happy ever since.

I'll try to answer some of your questions, and hopefully, others will help with the other answers (or add to mine).

1) To add a battery meter you need to play with the conky file. There are many threads (even in Ubuntu) on how to modify conky, so there's plenty of help out there. Under control center>desktop>edit conky, you'll be able to see and alter your conky configurations. In my case, the following works:

${color white}battery: ${color cccccc}$acpiacadapter, ${battery_percent BAT1}%
${color white}battery:${color red} ${battery}

I hope it works for you.

2) I don't know how to add Java since I haven't done so. Maybe others can help.

3) Picasa. Can you find it with synaptic? I could not but I'm running Antix right now as an ultra-stable system with all the testing repos closed off. Perhaps others can help with this too.

4) Firefox and iceweasel are exactly the same. I prefer Opera, but that's just my taste (and I think it loads up a tad faster than iceweasel).

Enjoy AntiX and ask questions and post problems you may have.

Posts: 16
Joined: 28 Feb 2009

Thank you for your very fast response.

Thank you about Conky. I was able to copy/paste a conky script that has a battery meter and other stuff.

Picasa is not in the synaptic but found at
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" onclick=";return false. For me, it is the best photo-editing and organizing program out there. Will try to download the .deb file and see what happens.

As for Java Jre, i've installed various Java packages from synaptic but none of them work properly out-fo-the box from synaptic.

I enjoy antiX!
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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
For picasa
Download the deb from the site
#dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb
#apt-get -f install (just in case there are needed some dependencies)

You have to open picasa via a terminal and/or edit fluxbox/icewm menu as it isn't put there

For java, the easiest way IMO is to use the smxi script installed in antiX.

Drop to a shell
then login as root
smxi -kwid
Choose option 1 ;install packages then
The java is under non-free, option 2
To get back
choose option 7 9twice I think) then 8 to start desktop
Posts: 319
Joined: 13 Sep 2007
I'm using Picasa 3 and it's working great. Follow Anti's instructions.

I use Firefox 3 because it is quicker and more responsive on my machine than Iceweasel. I don't know why but it is quantifiably faster. I also use Opera on occasion for the same reason...a touch faster.

And welcome to antiX!
Posts: 1,520
Joined: 07 Oct 2007
For installing Picasa and others. Ignore the sudo part and use su instead.

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