topic title: logout button fails
Posts: 62
Joined: 21 Jan 2009
My logout button doesn't work. I either have to use the terminal (shutdown -h or shutdown -r) to shutdown or reboot, or I have to physically shutdown the power button. I haven't been able to update/upgrade because every time I do apt-get the wireless loses it's connections (maybe because I need 450+ gets), and even then, it fails to find ftp.debian for a lot of the gets.

I'd appreciate some help on the logout, and if someone can post an up-to-date sources list for Debian testing, that would help also.

These are the sources I'm currently using:

Code: Select all

# Debian Testing. Default for antiX.
# Testing enabled for 'rolling' release.
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free 
#deb-src testing main contrib non-free
Posts: 325
Joined: 04 Nov 2011
sources.list = ok

The button is in the toolbar of ~/.icewm these line

Code: Select all

prog"Exit" /usr/share/icons/gTangish-2.0a1/32x32/actions/system-log-out.png
shell-script is /usr/local/bin