Posts: 2
Joined: 14 May 2008
Hi all,

I've just installed antiX in Virtualbox and I really like it, but after checking the sources.list and the installed applications I'm a bit confused...

Which part of Antix is from Mepis and which from Debian? At first glance it seems you used the kernel (and modules) and a few applications (like mepis-network and mepis-install) from Mepis and the rest from Debian. On top of that you have a special antiX-sauce (like the controlcenter) to make it the great distro that it is.

Am I correct or do I miss some things?

Posts: 1,520
Joined: 07 Oct 2007
You pretty much got it there. Just the very base of the system is Mepis and the rest is debian. In the sources.list you will notice that the mepis repo is commented out. You should only need it for kernel upgrades etc. Everything else is coming from Debian stable/testing and if you wish unstable/sid. Enjoy.
