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Wow I am too ADHD, I had spent 12 hours messing around with TCL not realizing it needed a Ext2 format to be able to save things.

So I was kind of more confused than I usually am So I apology for having caused so many posts that says me fail to boot.

I am booted now using M8.5 and in frugal iso install on a NTFS partition sda3 but I have no permission to use it.

Most likely because I am in Demo user and they have no such luck.

So I need to do sudo? How does one do such on AntiX? I always fails to read Manuals and FAQs due to me too Dyslexic in that all get into a blur of text that I fail to grasp So I need some easy step by step thing.

Are ntfs-3g activated for sudo? I can open a terminal and write sudo but what am I supposed to do after that? Sudo root or what and what password for root?

Would that give me permission to mount sda3? Or do I have to go into something and say grant permisssion for Root?
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For root, open a terminal, type su (or sux), password for live root is root
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Thanks I try it out tomorrow. After midnight here now so should sleep __{{emoticon}}__

So being root would allow me to mount sda3 on a NTFS drive or do I need to install or activate the ntfs thing too using terminal?
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Once you are in root then follow the instructions here.

url was:""
linktext was:""

ntfs-3g example.

Though you do know the risks involved don't you?
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I've been using Puppy since 2008 so sure I know the risk

are they bigger in AntiX then in Puppy? Hope not!

Anyhow. I take a look thanks for AntiX and for the link to that ntfs thing. I make a bookmark for it.

I did took a brief look at it and some of it is way above my current understanding.

Are ntfs activated and I only need to get root permissions or do I have to install all that?

They did not explain much about how to get the permission did they. I at least failed to get how it is done But I try it out tomorrow. Hope I am not in for another 12 hours of failure to get it going __{{emoticon}}__
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All you have to do is, in a terminal

(give root password) ie root
mkdir /mnt/windows
mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /mnt/windows

Then navigate to the /mnt/windows directory. Remember you are root user so be careful.
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One other thing. If you are booting frugal from the same partition as the ntfs partition you want to mount, you might just be able to just open rox-filer and navigate to /cdrom folder.

I think you will have to remount it like this in a terminal:

mount -n -o remount,rw /cdrom/

BTW what boot options did you use to get frugal from ntfs?
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Anti ask Newbody

BTW what boot options did you use to get frugal from ntfs?

I used this one.

title antiX-11 frugal using iso use blkid
root (hd0,2)
kernel /antiXboot-M11/vmlinuz fromhd=UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxx fromiso=antiX-M11.iso vga=791
initrd /antiXboot-M11/initrd.gz
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How does one knows that one are root? I tried to follow your descriptions above and despite it says me being root I still was not allowed to save the changes to the menu.lst because it was write protected it says.

Remember that I boot using this code
title antiX-11 frugal using iso use blkid
root (hd0,2)
kernel /antiXboot-M11/vmlinuz fromhd=UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxx fromiso=antiX-M11.iso vga=791
initrd /antiXboot-M11/initrd.gz

So the boot up script see the ntfs HDD as a CDROM maybe and usually such are not writeable if booted from?

So does it not help to be root. Is it higher authority on the whole partition or ǜolume? or Label being set as read only?

Some say it is not possible to change something on a read only when one are live CD booted and others tells me that if one are root then one can do anything.

What went wrong why did it not allow me to save? I have no such problem in Puppy.
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Running live AntiX is read only newbody. There is no save like in Puppy after you shut down. You will know you are root when the terminal displays

Code: Select all

harry@antiX1:~$ sux
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That was what it looked like in my terminal too and still I was not allowed to edit the menu.lst
I agree that most likely one first have to unmount the sda3 and then remount it but when I tried that it said that was not permitted so something went wrong there.

I only have to find somebody that knows how one do it __{{emoticon}}__

It has nothign to do with pupsave at all. this is about menu.lst on hdd not in save file at all.
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Open a terminal
type sux
type root (this is the root password for live use)

type leafpad /boot/grub/menu.lst

That is the menu.lst on your live sessions. If you want another one, you need to mount the partition first (as user should be ok) if not as root.
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Anti thanks for taking time to answer my eager questions.

The menu.lst is done before one boot so it is not known to Antix OS until it's own boot up script take over from the Grub4DOS script that starts the boot and look for the files it needs to boot the OS.

What you say here give me the impression that there are two kinds of menu.lst then will it copy the first menu.lst and then only present that one to me as the /boot/grub/menu.lst you write about here.

As I remmber that is not where it is plased on my hdd. I try to find where it is so you see how complicated it is from my position or point of view. I get back with the info soon. say within 30 minutes

oops more difficult to fund than I expected.
hehre is it

demo@antiX1:~$ sux root
xauth: file /root/.Xauthority does not exist
root@antiX1:/home/demo# mount -n -o remount,rw /cdrom/
mount: cannot remount block device /dev/loop0 read-write, is write-protected

it onsly show me was in root at antix not that I found the menu.lst and used leafpad but I had that text somewere too.
nope it does not show where the menu.lst is I get back. I have to reboot into antix okay

okay here I am in Antix11 booted from sda3 on internal HDD ntfs formatted. Booting the live iso code given in earlier posts.

I am in Terminal too and have found where menu.lst is placed seen from within antix.


demo@antiX1:/$ ls
aufs boot dev home lib media opt ramdisk sbin srv tmp var
bin cdrom etc isosrc linux mnt proc root selinux sys usr
demo@antiX1:/$ cd isosrc

There in isosrc is the antix11 in its own subdir and the iso file
antiXboot-M11 I renamed boot to antiXboot-M11 to separate it from porteusboot and Swiftboot and slitazboot and knoppixboot and all the other boots directories.

The iso is also on isosrc named antiX-M11.iso

Now menu.lst is on isosrc too.

So that means I should change your suggested code accordingly?

from type leafpad /boot/grub/menu.lst

to type leafpad /isosrc/menu.lst
okay I try it now and get back with result if all goes well.
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Here is result

leafpad open and I write test and goes to save and it try to save and say it can not do it and on the TErminal this peculiar message

demo@antiX1:/isosrc$ su
root@antiX1:/isosrc# leafpad /isosrc/menu.lst

(leafpad:17426): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: cannot connect to the session bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

Why would it need to connect to a remote thing?

Now I get it. I most likely have a kind of pseudo Scsi or Raid thing? The HDD is part of a kind of set up that list all the usb and SSD and SD card reader and all these are seens as usb and get assigned and most likely at boot they are set by the grub4Dos or the Antix live handle set as read only and when I want to save it is protected from saving by some over arching principle that not even root can change?

sorry I only wild guess., I have no knoweldge on such. I did not do the unmount and remount this time.

Maybe that should be tested again but last time it told me that that was not allowed either.

Is this something I have to change in BIOS then some kind of protection fo the hdd if mounted as only readable?


Something odd did happen to me at Puppy forum. An old guy some 83 was very sure of himself. If one are root then one can do what I fail to do. He did not trust that even if it says as above that I am root

demo@antiX1:/isosrc$ su
root@antiX1:/isosrc# leafpad /isosrc/menu.lst

then that can not be root if I failed to save. Is he right or does he misunderstand how antix works?
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root@antiX1:/isosrc# mount -n -o remount /isosrc/
mount: can't find /isosrc/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

oops I should test what you suggested first too.

But that will open a menu.lst that is not used at boot.

leafpad /boot/grub/menu.lst

That one is inside the iso is it not? How can that one later be moved to the real menu.lst?

I fail to follow your logic there. I try to look using the filemanager first.

okay to answer if your suggestion works I will test it for to complete all possibilities.

I only have to translate it. to this

root@antiX1:/isosrc# leafpad /isosrc/antiXboot-M11/grub/menu.lst

which did open that file which is not the one I boot from.

But it gave same error code in the terminal.

Should I trust rcrsn51 that confirm that what I try to do is prohibited by design either on grub4dos booting of live isos or that linux as such has built in such protection or is it the pseudo scsi raid usb something that makes it behave this odd.

I give up on it for today. it is 10PM here now
Last edited by newbody on 09 May 2011, 20:00, edited 1 time in total.