BitJam wrote:What window manager are you using? I can't reproduce this in either Fluxbox or IceWM. Is this related to RoxFiler somehow?
It is Fluxbox. I can't say if it's related to RoxFiler -is there a way I could tell?
BitJam wrote:Since the prompt is happening inside the RoxTerm then it is coming from a program or script being run inside of RoxTerm.
I don't understand that question, the screenshot you see is what I see immediately when I open RoxTerm via r-click>Terminal.
BitJam wrote:Does the same thing happen if you launch RoxTerm via Applications --> ROXTerm ?
Yes, it does.
BitJam wrote:Does it happen if you launch Roxterm from inside another terminal window?
Yes, it does.
BitJam wrote:Does it happen when you launch urxvt (or any other terminal program)?
No, it does not happen with any other terminal.
BitJam wrote:Does it happen when you switch to a virtual console and log in from there?
No, it does not.
BitJam wrote:If it only happens from that one menu entry then check the menu file. The menus are controlled by the files ~/.fluxbox/menu and ~/.icewm/menu. The fluxbox entry should look like:
The IceWM entry should look like:
If you are using a different WM then the file will be in a different location but the idea is the same.
As I'm not sure I understand exactly what I'm looking for I thought I'd paste the file here in hopes that you can see an issue:
Code: Select all
[begin] (--antiX--)
[exec] (Terminal) {roxterm}
[exec] (Files) {}
[exec] (Editor) {leafpad}
[exec] (Browser) {iceweasel}
[submenu] (Applications)
[begin] (Applications)
[include] (~/.fluxbox/applications)
[submenu] (Desktop)
[exec] (RoxPanel on/off) {}
[exec] (RoxPinboard on/off) { rox}
[exec] (SpaceFM-desktop on/off) { space}
[exec] (Conky on/off) {}
[submenu] (Fluxbox Settings)
[exec] (Auto Update Menu) {}
[config] (Configuration)
[submenu] (Styles) {Style}
[stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
[stylesmenu] (Fluxbox Styles) {/usr/share/fluxbox/styles}
[exec] (Wallpapers) {}
[workspaces] (Workspaces)
[reconfig] (Reconfigure)
[restart] (Restart)
[submenu] (System)
[submenu] (Tools)
[exec] (System Information) {inxi-gui}
[exec] (MC) {roxterm -e mc}
[exec] (Nano) {roxterm -e nano}
[exec] (Process Viewer) {roxterm -e htop}
[exec] (App Killer) {xkill}
[exec] (Add .desktop Files) {ktsuss}
[submenu] (Shells)
[exec] (Bash) {urxvt -e bash --login}
[exec] (Urxvt) {urxvt -tr -sh 65 -fg white}
[exec] (Urxvt Tabs) {urxvt -pe tabbed}
[exec] (Root Terminal) {ktsuss roxterm}
[submenu] (Programming)
[exec] (Python) {roxterm -e python2.7}
[exec] (Tclsh8.5) {roxterm -e tclsh8.5}
[exec] (Run) {gexec}
[exec] (Control Centre) {}
[exec] (Unplug usb) {}
[submenu] (Help)
[submenu] (antiX)
[exec] (FAQ) {dillo /usr/share/antiX/FAQ/index.html}
[exec] (Live How-To) {dillo /usr/share/antiX/Boot_Menu/antiX-gfxboot.html}
[exec] (Rox Manual) {dillo}
[submenu] (Fluxbox)
[exec] (FAQ) {dillo}
[exec] (Wiki) {dillo}
[exec] (Docs) {dillo}
[exec] (Arch Wiki) {dillo}
[submenu] (Man Pages)
[exec] (Terminal) {roxterm -e man urxvt}
[exec] (Nano) {roxterm -e man nano}
[exec] (MC) {roxterm -e man mc}
[exec] (Exit) {}
BitJam wrote:If it happens in most circumstances above then look at your ~/.bashrc file and your ~/.profile file. It is likely that one of them is calling a program that requests your password.
I should point out that I'm using zsh instead of bash. Looking at the two files you mentioned I saw nothing that indicated calling for a passwword (but then again, I'm not very good at reading config files)
BitJam wrote:If it only happens when you launch roxterm but not otherwise then the problem is with the roxterm configuration. In roxterm go to Preferences --> Edit Current Profile --> Command and make sure it is set to"Default Shell".
AHA! -It was set to 'SSH', which would explain why the prompt was listing 'fiver22@localhost's password:'
You have fixed my issue and I thank you!