Posts: 5
Joined: 05 Apr 2013
Hi all,

I discovered Linux somewhere in 1992, I think my first kernel was a 0.97 __{{emoticon}}__
Since then I was using it most of the time and meanwhile I'm using Windows only on the job __{{emoticon}}__

I was looking for the slimmest, least memory-hogging - yet usable for all-day purposes - Linux I could find and so I came to antiX (found it via Distrowatch). After playing with the life CD for a short time, I installed it last Wednesday. There were a few hiccups (some caused by myself and not everything is back in perfect order yet) but altogether it is one of the best, if not THE best, I have encountered since the last few years. Slim, fast, uses not much memory for itself, including X and the window manager, still it has a good selections of tools out of the box and it's easy to add others(*).

I was an OpenSuse user for many years, until my system got totally broken by an official security update... Since then I have seriously used Vector Linux 6 and 7 and tried a few others. VL-7 is still my main system until I have antiX in proper shape.

My goal is to make this system as slim as possible in terms of memory usage, so the biggest amount of RAM is available for the applications. I already decreased the memory usage of my antiX system (right after booting, only root logged in into a text console, X started) to about 96MB __{{emoticon}}__ And I'm sure that's not the end __{{emoticon}}__

That should be enough for a first post.

Best regards from Germany!

(*): Meanwhile, after having used Synaptic several time, I see that it does it's job well, but... in comparison to Suse's Yast/Zypper it feels clumsy. Don't ask me why or by god, I'll explain!
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