Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Mar 2009
Hi all,
In a recent dist-upgrade with smxi, it said these 6 packages were held back:
How do I get them? Do I enable some other repo?

Thanks Anti, and everyone at Antix/Mepis/Debian - Antix is the coolest
Posts: 73
Joined: 13 Jun 2008
packages being held back by apt means that you have them installed but that the updated versions are not installable due to some internal conflict. Don't argue with apt in this regard, just do what it says, it usually knows best, so if it says packages were held back (unless you yourself put them on hold manually), then let them stay held back. If they continue for a month or more to be held back, then try to manually update them, like so: apt-get install mplayer

watch the results carefully, if it works, it will probably update fine, if not it will complain about problems. Do the same for ffmpeg etc too, but don't do it now, those packages in particular are frequently in strange shape in that repo.
Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Mar 2009
Thanks h2, I will sit on my hands for a while. Great script, btw.

Hey, speaking of repos, my Antix 8 came with both the Debian stable, and testing repos enabled, ootb. Is that right? I didn't think it was wise to mix that up (some invisible pinning I'm not aware of - uh, better stop there before I say something stupid).

Thanks again,
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antiX default is Testing, but with stable enabled (as a fall back).
mplayer was put on hold in antiX as it 'breaks' if you upgrade to Testing version unless you use nvidia driver (I don't know about ati as I don't have the card).

I have fixed this for antiX-M8.1 by using the Mepis community repo version of mplayer. However, that repo is down at the moment as it is being transferred to a different server.
Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Mar 2009
Gotcha. Thanks Anti, can't wait for 8.1.

Okay, okay, last question (for tonight): I know Antix isn't supposed to run on P1s, but are there any features I could incorporate into my old P1's Debian testing? (it's not my main box, just a fun toy)

Posts: 316
Joined: 26 Oct 2007
Abstract wrote:Gotcha. Thanks Anti, can't wait for 8.1.

Okay, okay, last question (for tonight): I know Antix isn't supposed to run on P1s, but are there any features I could incorporate into my old P1's Debian testing? (it's not my main box, just a fun toy)

Hi Abstract. __{{emoticon}}__

You could try taking the scripts etc from antiX (There's loads to choose from) and putting them into your Deb Testing install?? The fluxbox stuff should work for sure, don't know about the other stuff though. Have a play & see what works & what doesn't? YMMV of course.

Also, just a thought, but on such an old machine, have you tried a distro like slitaz, or tiny core? Slitaz is about 30mb in size, and Tiny Core is about 11mb, but don't let the size fool you, especially with Slitaz. Just thought it may be worth a mention...... have fun! __{{emoticon}}__