Posts: 1,228
Joined: 15 Jun 2008
In this time of globalisation, no matter what the label says (like 'Made in EU' or 'fake fur'), most fur comes from China.
They come from all kind of animals that had the helliest of life and death.

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Our life unfolds in many dimensions, everything is interconnected.
I'll share you an episode lived by a fellow countryman, now 48 years old:
"There was an occasion, I was 13 years old, a kid started mocking me because I didn't eat meat and proposed that we should fight to see who was the strongest. Since he was bigger than me I was beaten and came back home offended. I went directly to bed and thought: 'is it worth to fight for the animals?'. I had an impactant dream, with a man that came to talk to me, with an oriental face, wearing a turban. He said me: 'Look what happens to the animals. Look how they suffer with the sacrifice inflicted on them by humanity'. I saw the scenes, thousands of animals groaning, all in naked blood, skinned. Then the man in my dream asked: 'Isn't it worth to fight because of their suffering?'. I woke up ashamed and never questioned anymore."