Posts: 2
Joined: 21 Jan 2011
I use a 56k usb modem for dial up and can only use wvdial after switching to root (su). In another distro I am successfully using pon / poff via ppp as normal user with no problems, so I decided to try ppp in antiX. In terminal, after switching to root, entered pppconfig and entered correct data. When I entered pon [my provider] I got an error that I did not belong to DIP group, even though, giving command"id [username] shows that I am a member of this group, as well as dial up. So, I compared files in the working ppp distro and noticed that key folders and file permission did not change from owner: root to owner: dip. This should have occurred when using the pppconfig utility. For some reason it did not. I manually changed the permissions of the following files:
/etc/ppp/peers/[my provider]
/etc/chatscripts/[my provider]
I did this by running pcmanfm as root. Not the best way to do this, but now I can use pon [my provider] / poff as user.