I've been next door playing with MX-14, and enjoyed Qupzilla. I have been trying to get it in antiX 13.2, but couldn't locate it with snynaptic. Okay, I'm a big dummy. I"opened" the debian and daveserver"testing" repos, and found it. I downloaded it with the dependencies, updated my menu, and now I have Qupzilla to play with. Woo who!!!
__{{emoticon}}__ I also remembered to go back to synaptic and close the"testing" repos before I ended up breaking something.
WHY would I install qupzilla to use over Iceweasel? It uses less cpu according to my conky. I have an i5-450M laptop with 4 Gib memory and I'm worried about cpu usage?
__{{emoticon}}__ It works for me.