Posts: 253
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Selecting Reconfigure from the menu does nothing on my computer. Not that I want to change anything ..... __{{emoticon}}__

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Hi there dieselbenz.

Reconfigure is supposed to work when you have edited some fluxbox files such as the menu, keys, init etc. After editing the above mentioned files, you"might" need to hit reconfigure for the changes to take place.

But sometimes it isn't necessary, no idea why.
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That makes sense.

Guess I need a giant dose of RTFM. <blush>

I am still working on my wish list for antiX -- it will be brief but two things came to mind instantly.

1. Instant Messenger software, which was on 6.5 (I think) but not on 7.0 RC1. Pidgin looks for a version of a supporting program that isn't in Synaptic, Gaim is a dummy package, etc. We don't"do" IRC in our household, so XChat doesn't do it for me.

2. Given that adding stuff to the menu isn't too easy in Fluxbox, why not include more of what is available? I saw a post about camera software (an alternative to digicam) that is included w/ antiX. Why not let us know it via the default menu? ... Guess what I'd like to see is a balance between the basics shown on antiX and"everything possible" as is the case with DSL.

Good package, my friend. Thanks for providing it.

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Adding stuff to the fluxbox menu is actually pretty easy. Just go to Fluxbox-File Editing-Menu and, under the appropriate category, enter [exec] (Program Name) {run command} and then save your changes. Restart Fluxbox if necessary.

Here's the Fluxbox Wiki if you're interested:
url was:""
linktext was:""
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I meant"easy" as in how some of the distros automatically add items to the menu when you snatch them via Synaptic. .... Yea, I know, that is KDE.

I don't mind editing stuff (such as adding menu items manually). Heck, I was a Slackware Geek for several years before admitting that there might be an easier way that didn't require one to be so Unix-like.

I am referring to a more diverse user base than I am to my own personal requirements. For a distro to get general acceptance, it has to be very user friendly for folks who don't want to -- or who don't know how to -- fire up an editor.

Me? I started w/ DOS. Actually, I started with an Atari 800, and at work I was responsible for a Prime 9955. I cut my teeth doing stuff in terminal.
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It wasn't meant to be condenscending. Hey, you're showing your age now. Remember the Commondore 64? Those were the days!
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One must always post replies to the lowest common denominator.

For all you know, the person who posted my question might think rc.d is some sort of remote control car.

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An unabashed noob here and I had no trouble installing Pidgin on AntiX M7-rc1.
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Fluxbox from debian does automatically add apps to the menu, but it does so the way it wants to and doesn't keep the original/configured antiX menu intact. It also doesn't add the Mepis utilities.
If you pop over to icewm you will see the debian fluxbox menu in operation.

If pidgin isn't too big, I'll include it for the final. I want to keep antiX at about 300MB.
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I retract my earlier comments. You are correct -- editing the menu is a no-brainer. I've already put some of my"must have" apps (i.e., Streamtuner) into the menu and removed a few entries that were not going to be used.
