Posts: 200
Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Does anybody know of a package similar to Basket (for KDE) that will run on antiX without using Kdelibs? Thanks.
Posts: 58
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
I have not seen anything as feature rich as basket before. I just looked around and nothing is coming up immediately in my searches except for some programs that can not compare to basket.

My solution to this is many random text files in my home directory. I should probably make a folder for them.

__{{emoticon}}__ apt-get seems to want to install everything from kdesktop to kaddressbook. Damn you dependencies.
Posts: 200
Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Thanks Urban,
Yeah, I've got text files stuck all over the place, too. I use Basket in Mepis and was hoping to find something similar that would work in antiX w/o the kde baggage. I guess there is no such animal for now. Well, thanks for searching and for the reply.
Posts: 216
Joined: 12 Sep 2007
I know this doesn't help you much, but one reason I keep antiX 6.5 running on one box is so that I can get apps like Basket. It sounded useful so I grabbed it from the 6.5 repos (the 0.5.0 version; there's a newer one at Linux App Finder).

Each time I veer toward moving all my boxes to Lysistrata, I decide to keep one toe in the KDE world with an install of Spartacus. But it makes no sense for you if the whole point is to keep your system KDE-free.
Posts: 200
Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Thanks malanrich,
I run Mepis 7 on my primary desktop (workhorse) and find Basket (1.0.2) practically indespesible. My secondary desktop computer and my laptop, however, have a bit of age on them and kde runs a bit slow. Antix, however, is fast and smooth (lean and mean) on both of them. I have found non-kde alternatives for everything else I need to do but would really like to find something similar to Basket. But, like Urban said, text files do serve the purpose, just a bit unorganized (and I need all the help there I can get). Thanks for your input......