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" onclick=";return false and am gonna try to incorporate pptp (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) in wicd so I can use this service. I typed in pptp in synaptic search box and my choices are listed below.

1. Broadcast relay daemon
2. vpn clients frontend for KDE
3. network management framework (PPTP plugin core)
4. network management framework (PPTP plugin GNOME GUI)
5. PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling Server

This implements a Virtual Private Networking Server (VPN) that is compatible
with Microsoft VPN clients. It allows windows users to connect to an
internal firewalled network using their dialup.
6. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client

Client for the proprietary Microsoft Point-to-Point Tunneling
Protocol, PPTP. Allows connection to a PPTP based VPN as used
by employers and some cable and ADSL service providers.

I left the descriptions out of the first 4 because they are either KDE or Gnome Network Manager related. Either #5 or #6 choices look to be (and I am guessing here) my viable choices to set up a VPN plugin for wicd (I hope) .

Which choice (either 5 or 6 or even both) would wicd recognise and incorporate into wicd or am I just barking like a mad dog up a tree thinking of even trying this with wicd, So far the only setup instructions I have seen are for Windows and Ubuntu running Network Manager and installing a pptp plugin for Network Manager. So Before I install anything and break something, I thought I would put out some feelers to see if I am even thinking correctly in trying this using AntiX8 with wicd. __{{emoticon}}__