topic title: AntiX 15 b3-V
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regarding theme:
If another theme is to be chosen, I'll defer to whatever someone else suggests.
I don't have a replacement to suggest. Also, I haven't checked recently whether both gtk2 AND gtk3 apps are affected.
Instead, couldn't the config of the affected preinstalled theme(s) just be tweaked? (some.input.border=1px solid black)(???)

regarding"These (systemd-related files) all come with udev":
Thanks for the insight.

regarding metapackage installer:
Oops, I ass-umed you already had the sourcecode, after I stumbled across this a while back:

url was:""
linktext was:""

I'm pretty certain its sourcecode is still available here:

url was:""
linktext was:" ... installer/"
"sidux contains <b>only dfsg free software</b>, so you may want t..."
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I am pretty sure there are multiple ways to try and shutdown. As such what is the way that you are trying?
I have built the new exit dialog to have a gui and to be able to invoke from the command line.
For example you now could run
desktop-session-exit -s
to shutdown
desktop-session-exit -r
to reboot, etc...
What way?
If I say I'm using"shutdown now", you gonna laugh at me and throw rocks and tell me"ah, no wonder you're having problems"?

Above, I mentioned"boot to runlevel 3".
AFAIK, there is no"desktop session" in that case, and I'm wondering if that is part, or all, of the problem.

Is what I've described not reproduceable?
Ah, FWIW, above I omitted a detail: persistence mode is set to semi-automatic

live session, persist=root!
Boot to runlevel 3, then attempt to shutdown.

I attempted to workaround the problem by first calling"persist-save" (and instructing"no, don't save") before attempting to shutdown. Nope, that did not help ~~ which. to me, seems weird b/c running persist-save (and choosing"no, don't save) from within a desktop session should be (would be, consistently, in prior builds) sufficient to suppress persist-AUTOsave occurring during shutdown.

Even if the workaround had achieved poweroff shutdown, I got the impression the shutdown script was acting like"auto" mode was in effect (performing a save unconditionally, even when unwanted).
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Regarding shutdown, the common shutdown command still does the trick, too, but the number of options has expanded over the years. It *used* to be that shutdown -r now would reboot (still does), shutdown - h now would halt and completely shut down the system (including power). That's not the way it works now. -h only halts the processor, but power is still on. To shutdown with halt and poweroff, the command shutdown -hP will halt and power off the system.

(NOTE: wherever there are path names, I put backslashes (\\) in place of what you'd expect)

shutdown - bring the system down

\\sbin/shutdown [-akrhPHfFnc] [-t sec] time [warning message]

shutdown brings the system down in a secure way. All logged-in users are notified that the system is going down,
and login(1) is blocked. It is possible to shut the system down immediately or after a specified delay. All pro‐
cesses are first notified that the system is going down by the signal SIGTERM. This gives programs like vi(1) the
time to save the file being edited, mail and news processing programs a chance to exit cleanly, etc. shutdown
does its job by signalling the init process, asking it to change the runlevel. Runlevel 0 is used to halt the
system, runlevel 6 is used to reboot the system, and runlevel 1 is used to put to system into a state where admin‐
istrative tasks can be performed; this is the default if neither the -h or -r flag is given to shutdown. To see
which actions are taken on halt or reboot see the appropriate entries for these runlevels in the file \\etc/init‐

-a Use \\etc/shutdown.allow.

-k Don't really shutdown; only send the warning messages to everybody.

-r Reboot after shutdown.

-h Halt or power off after shutdown.

-P Halt action is to turn off the power.

-H Modifier to the -h flag. Halt action is to halt or drop into boot monitor on systems that support it.
Must be used with the -h flag.

So as long as you know the options, the standard shutdown command still works too.
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contains a 1.2Mb file named"807.24841", dated 31 May, 2015 (prior to iso release date)

persist-save is apparently not ignoring/excluding the plnk directory, as previously discussed (or was I dreaming?)
The file has persisted across boots.
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thanks, but I had already (today) revisited the manpage to doublecheck.
I swear to Bob that"shutdown -hP" nor other combinations are working for me here.
(context is: live session, dynamic root persistence, persist mode = semi-automatic)
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launch"rox-filer" as root (or as"demo", same result)

Some icon imagefiles are missing?
Note the"red Xs" shown in place of the various toobar icons
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skidoo wrote:@masinick
thanks, but I had already (today) revisited the manpage to doublecheck.
I swear to Bob that"shutdown -hP" nor other combinations are working for me here.
(context is: live session, dynamic root persistence, persist mode = semi-automatic)

There has to be something in that persistence mode that is omitting the PATH environment. Perhaps the filesystem itself is inaccessible; if that's the case, no wonder the commands do not work.

Just for kicks, what happens if you explicitly run /sbin/shutdown -hP now ?
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antixControlCentre --} Live --}"Save root persistence"

If booted with"toram" option, it's possible to remove the pendrive (boot device, and pdev).
Why might user choose to do so? One reason would be"for safety" (ala"Tails linux")

The persist-save script is elegant enough to handle"drive with UUID xxxx has been removed, please mount it and try again".
After re-attaching and mounting the pendrive... upon retrying"Save root persistence"
the result is a never-ending yad progress dialog stating
"Checking for existing files and Checking if there is enough room"

persist-save started: 2015-06-02 19:31:25
Using device [0;35m/dev/sdd1[0;39m with UUID [0;35m85C8-804D[0;39m
Storing volume settings
Device [0;32m/dev/sdd1[0;39m was already mounted at [0;32m/media/USB32NEW[0;39m. Bind mounting at [0;32m/live/boot-dev[0;39m
mounted [0;32m/live/boot-dev/antiX/rootfs[0;39m at [0;32m/live/persist-root[0;39m.
awk: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ cannot read file data: Input/output error
df: write error: Broken pipe
awk: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ cannot read file data: Input/output error
df: write error: Broken pipe
awk: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ cannot read file data: Input/output error
df: write error: Broken pipe
/usr/local/bin/persist-save: line 93: * 90 / 100 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is"* 90 / 100")
[0;35mCleaning up ...[0;39m
umounting [0;32m/live/persist-root[0;39m
umounting [0;32m/live/boot-dev[0;39m
Removing lockfile [0;32m/live/config/locked[0;39m
edited to add:

If toram is only intended for (and will only be supported for) boot-from-CD, so be it...
...but at least this time 'round, unlike in prior builds, antix live session is allowing me to unmount the pendrive.
(Previously, persist-save a file lock on the mounted drive? It does not currently do so, otherwise checking"remasterable" instead?)

etc/desktop-session/startup calls /usr/local/bin/toram-eject
but I've never seen any"toram-eject" notifications/dialogs/errors
Last edited by skidoo on 03 Jun 2015, 07:53, edited 4 times in total.
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Just for kicks, what happens if you explicitly run /sbin/shutdown -hP now ?
Same. The prompt just spits back syntax help in response to"shutdown -hP"

To be clear (I'm mixing back-to-back posts here, testing from a toram session at the moment)
the shutdown issue isn't specific to"toram" sessions.
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If you are providing the full path to the command, that is /sbin/shutdown as opposed to just shutdown, that definitely means that for some reason in that particular persistence mode, you've lost access to the usual filesystem; to me, that's the problem if explicitly referencing /sbin/shutdown does not work.

That's good information though; it may lead to a quicker resolution of the issue.
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booted to runlevel 3.
With or without explicit path, the shutdown command results in
"root password for maintenance or
Control+D to continue"
...followed by"Session is starting" if I press Ctrl+D

The halt command results in the shutdown script running persist-autosave, which hangs.
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Generally working without problem on my AAO D25. The only two items I would like to contribute to the discussion are a couple of places where I find things get pretty foggy for the user.

1) Menu > Personal, shows a submenu called"Menu Manager." Clicking that brings up a dialog box asking if I want to change the Applications menu or the Personal menu. By this point I have lost any idea of what is going on. If the main entry is called"Personal" the the only menu I would expect to edit would be the personal menu."Personal" is an adjective where every other menu entry is a noun. Finally, the CC gets is right: there the entry is called"Edit menu," and then the user gets the choice of menu groups to change. Now that makes sense.

Recommendation: consider taking this out of the menu. It belongs in the CC, where it is already set up correctly. (If you do keep it in the Menu, maybe"Options" would be more suitable?

2) Speaking of the CC, the last two categories in the left pane lose their meaning for me. When the user clicks on one of those categories, it becomes clear that neither"Tools" nor"CLI" has anything to do with the overall topic of control, and the individual items seem to have little to do with each other. E.g., how would anyone understand why Htop, Ted Word Processor and HexChat were lumped together?

Recommendation: consider removing those two categories from the CC. Their contents are covered in the menu, and I suspect no one will ever think to turn to the Control Center to find them.

Other than these two minor items, I think this beta is terrific--and it runs like the wind on my little Acer.
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FWIW ( ref: /usr/share/antiX/FAQ/smxi.html )
root@antiX1:~# smxi
Information: Starting smxi with: sudo su -

Error No: (6) Your distro could not be identified by smxi.
If it is a Debian derived distro which should be supported, please let the script author
know how to identify it so it can be supported in the future.
smxi cannot continue. Exiting now.
also FWIW
used maxcpus=12 boot parameter, but kernel still doesn't recognize all availability of all cores for i7 3930K
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Jerry wrote:Speaking of the CC, the last two categories in the left pane lose their meaning for me. When the user clicks on one of those categories, it becomes clear that neither"Tools" nor"CLI" has anything to do with the overall topic of control, and the individual items seem to have little to do with each other. E.g., how would anyone understand why Htop, Ted Word Processor and HexChat were lumped together?

Recommendation: consider removing those two categories from the CC. Their contents are covered in the menu, and I suspect no one will ever think to turn to the Control Center to find them.
I haven't checked whether EVERY item displayed to the"CLI" and"Tools" tab has corresponding menu entries.
If items currently displayed to those items get"moved", I would hope they move to a similar GUI, ala"PupApps":

url was:""
linktext was:""

I'm enthusiastic about seeing more of the pre-installed tools (some are CLI apps) gain exposure, er, discoverability.
For instance, debian package"testdisk" (containing testdisk and photorec apps) is present but (i think) lacks a desktop menu entry.

url was:""
linktext was:""
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skidoo wrote:booted to runlevel 3.
With or without explicit path, the shutdown command results in
"root password for maintenance or
Control+D to continue"
...followed by"Session is starting" if I press Ctrl+D

The halt command results in the shutdown script running persist-autosave, which hangs.
I'm seeing the same thing if halt is invoked from the terminal.